Bloomington Grove is a 5-acre site containing 98 new affordable housing units for qualifying families. Of the new…

Community Revitalization
The Homeless Strategic Action Plan increases coordination, expands the impact of the County’s housing and homeless programs, and strengthens efforts amongst partners to make a collective impact. The Homeless Strategic Action Plan implementation will employ a data-driven approach to inform how best to allocate resources, services, and programs that improve the quality of life for those who live, work, and play in San Bernardino County.
Roadmap to Self-Sufficiency
Homeless to Home: A Roadmap to Self-Sufficiency, illustrates an array of wraparound services, programs, and housing options aimed at increasing self-sufficiency for individuals experiencing or at-risk of homelessness. It provides an overview of the continuum of services, supports, and shelter options, and the average duration for each of the 10 categories along the continuum. As the individual level of risk and utilization of services increases, so does the intensity of services and supports, from less support to more support. Each component across the Roadmap is delivered via a combination of contracted provider agencies, County departments, faith- and community-based organizations, municipalities, and/or community partners working together.

Community Development and Housing
Administers and invests several Federal and State grant funds to undertake needed infrastructure projects and services for targeted communities. Projects and programs are provided through extensive collaboration with partnering cities, non-profit developers, and community service providers to implement the Countywide Vision.

Office of Homeless Services
Serves as the Lead Agency and/or Administrative Entity for the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Grant and State Homeless Coordinating Finance Council funding. OHS builds upon the Countywide Vision by ensuring people experiencing or at risk of homelessness are connected to housing, supportive services, case management, and mainstream services to assist them in maintaining housing stability and self-sufficiency.
Success Stories

The 2023 Point-In-Time Count of San Bernardino County’s homeless population, conducted on January 26, was a joint effort of the San Bernardino County Homeless Partnership, the San Bernardino County Community Revitalization –…

Pacific Village’s 3-bedroom single-family residence, a 2 and 3 bedroom duplex, and 20 trailers provided housing to…

All Star Lodge, a former San Bernardino hotel with 76 single and one-bedroom units, was…

At a Glance

Homeless adults and children counted
as homeless in San Bernardino County

Increase in unsheltered homelessness
between 2022 and 2023

Rise in overall homelessness across
the county between 2022 and 2023

Of unsheltered individuals were chronically homeless, defined as being homeless for one year or more and having a disabling condition such as mental illness, chronic health condition, and a physical disability or in-and-out of homelessness at least four times over a three year period.

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